We have been writing music together since high school. Before the formation of Lunch, Adam, DJ, and Matthew played in the powerviolence band, Lunge.

In 2009, we moved away from Northern California and relocated to Portland, OR. We continued to play jangly non sensical sounds under Lunge, until forming Lunch in 2012.

Since 2012, our sound has evolved from garage rock melodies to moody post-punk. 

Current lineup:
Prometheus Wolf - Guitar/ Vocals
DJ Barnes - Guitar
Brian Edwards - Bass
Matthew Huffman - Drums

Jared Bird - Bass

From the left: DJ, Prometheus Wolf, Brian, Matthew

From the left: DJ, Prometheus Wolf, Brian, Matthew

Our influences:  The Cure, The Gun Club, Cultural Decay, Wire, Bauhaus, Chameleons, Echo & The Bunnymen, UK Decay, Xmal Deutschland, Crisis, Virgin Prunes, The Modern Lovers, Pere Ubu, Gang of Four, Blitz, Faust, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Siekiera, Big Black, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Twin Crystals, Sonic Youth, The Birthday Party, Night Wounds, Buzzcocks, and anything we're listening to at the time.
